Thursday, December 10, 2009

This blog's a success

This blog is a success. Why? Well because I like it. I have been checking it every day this week. Not that I was expecting anything to get updated – I am the only one who can add posts, while Alex is probably the only one who knows about this blog. So there was no chance for new posts and little chance for new comments (Alex!?), but for some reason checking it still made me happy. Have any idea why? I can almost say that I am following my blog... or can I; is an owner allowed to follow his own blog, and if yes, I wonder how frequently and for how long does one need to be visiting a blog, to be “following” it.

In any case it’s lunch time and so I decided to make a quick post to make all my followers (since advertiser demand count, there are somewhere between 0 and 2) happy. So, let’s all toast to Alex and to this new blog:

Oh, and here’s some cyber food for thought. Here's another subpar picture taken using/my phone:

pretty crappy, huh? But when I email it to myself, display it on the screen, rotate my phone slightly, and shoot the same photo from the display, it ends up looking slightly better! (although, i must admit, still pretty crappy)
Does cybespace have some yet-undiscovered powers to make pictures look better?

1 comment:

  1. I like that you're following your own blog :-) And that first picture maybe. Ne veritsya shto takoy yuniy malchik zhinatiy! hehe.
